
Want Your Global Audience to Actually Listen When You Speak?

The confidence is in you. Let's find it together.


I Believe Confident Communication Can Change Your World

Hello. سلام .שלום. Привет. Hallo. ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ. Hola. Ciao. Xin chào. வணக்கம். नमस्ते.

In the world of business, language might be less important than you realize. The one thing I hear over and over again from global business leaders is that they can’t quickly and easily understand what it is their teams are trying to tell them. And that’s not a language or a translation issue. That’s a messaging issue. 


What actually matters is what you’re trying to say and how you say it. 


Who Are You?

You’ve got a hunch people don’t really get what your team is trying to say. Management doesn’t easily buy into your ideas. Colleagues don’t lean in when you talk shop. And the worst part: when you’re presenting, you’re stuck in your head, self-doubting what you say & how you say it.

You want your team to:

  • Navigate phone calls & meetings with razor-sharp messages

  • Inject personality into every presentation

  • Tell stories that turn heads instead of regurgitating dry data

That’s where I come in!


Who Am I?

My trainees often call me a wizard. I unlock the communication patterns that are keeping you stuck. And then I turn them upside down.

I’m Here to Help You:

Get Management’s Buy-In

I'll use a stopwatch to cut your rambling so your boss gets what the heck you’re trying to say in under a minute

Stop Putting Colleagues to Sleep

I’ll get you to tell me a story about that time your kid peed somewhere weird to prove how much you naturally know about storytelling

Really Connect with Your Team

I’ll have you sitting on the floor (yes the floor) for the morning meeting and watch the magic unfold...

Bottom line, I use traditional and some very non-traditional methods to train you to find your right words and the confidence that’s already in you to bring those words to life.


But why me, you ask?!

I’m here to help you:

1. Get your team to concisely explain what they’re trying to say in 5 minutes

2. Find your team’s charisma so they can speak up and get buy-in

3. Connect your remote teams so they can actually work together


Why They Hired Me


Now It’s Your Turn.
Why Are YOU Here?

I want my team to:

Find Your Inner Charisma

Why your team needs this training:

Trust me, you have charisma. We just have to find it. 

You’re here because when you talk, you feel like you’re reading from a script. Your body language is stiff and robotic. You know that what you have to say is good, but you have no clue HOW to say it.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to comfortably get out of your comfort zone

  • Techniques to help you play with different sides of your personality in front of an audience

  • Strategies to expand your range of self-expression using your body, face and voice

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Talk Tech and
Keep Them Awake

Why your team needs this training:

Let’s face it - technical information is usually boring. But it doesn’t have to be. Boy, do I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard “there’s no way we can make this presentation compelling”. Not true! I believe there’s ALWAYS a story to tell - even if it’s hard to find.

You’ll Learn:

  • Proven methodologies for presenting technical information in a compelling way

  • How to adapt your technical info to audiences with different levels of tech knowledge

  • Strategies to maximize your physical presence in technical presentations

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Deliver Confident Presentations

Why your team needs this training:

Let’s face it, presentations are a real pain in the butt. Where do you even start? How do you put this thing together? And when it comes to standing in front of your global team (virtually or in-person) you’re afraid and wonder: what will they think of me?

You’ll Learn:

  • A step by step methodology for creating compelling, story-driven presentations

  • Strategies to put the presenter (not the slides) in the driver’s seat

  • Confident body language and vocal variety for authentic connection

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Bottom Line Messages For Global Teams

Why your team needs this training:

You struggle with messages that are unclear, not to the point or just tough to crack. You can see the confusion on your colleagues’ faces when you try to explain things in team meetings. You get stressed and ramble - and lose them. You know you could just nail it - but how?

You’ll Learn:

  • A step by step methodology to identify your core message

  • Communication models for effective messages in a global world

  • How to create messages that make your audience feel something

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What to Say in Your
Job Interview

Why You’re Here: 

You’re on the hunt for a new job. Maybe you’re looking to level-up. Maybe you’re looking to join a new industry. You need to figure out how to sell yourself. What’s your vision for the role? Why should they hire you? And most importantly - how will you say all this?

You’ll Learn:

  • Storytelling for job interviews - finding the story behind your CV

  • The 4 questions you MUST prepare for and how to answer them

  • Maximizing your physical presence in stressful situations

I Need This Training

Speak Up Even When
You’re Unprepared

Why your team needs this training:

You’ve rehearsed for the presentation a thousand times and delivered it with flair. But the moment someone asks a tough question, your confidence suddenly disappears. Is it even possible to prepare for unexpected questions? Or for those moments you’re suddenly asked to speak off the cuff? The quick answer is - YES!

You’ll Learn:

  • Why YOU are your own worst enemy when it comes to improvising

  • Simple models for handling those surprise questions & discussion topics

  • How your body language can improve your ability to improvise and speak up

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 How You Can Work With Me

Semi Private Track

You, me and another couple of guys or gals from your company with the same goals and needs. 

How many: Up to 3 trainees 
How often: 15 weekly sessions
How long: 1.5 hr each

Group Workshop

A chance for your team to really test out proven methods to level up as speakers, together.

How many: 10-15 trainees
How often: 5 weekly sessions
How long: 2.5 hrs each

Interactive Talk

Give your team practical tools for building better messages & creating a real impact on their audience. 

How many: 30+ trainees
How often: 5-talk series
How long: 1 hr each

SOS Track

Got an important presentation tomorrow? Or maybe a job interview? Let’s make sure you nail it!

How many: just you
How often: one-off 
How long: 3 hours


Some of My Clients


Hi there. I’m Talli.


Talli Koren
Founder & Principal Trainer

I’m a communication expert who first discovered the undeniable power of communication as a 12-year-old Israeli talking to strangers at my dad’s Toronto-based antique shop. I was still a new immigrant then, exploring the unique cultural mosaic that is Toronto coming together in this busy market. I remember thinking: “How many languages can you possibly cram into one store?!” It was here I realized I had the gift of gab: I could talk to almost anyone who walked into the shop, even if we didn’t speak the same language. Let’s just say sales went up. 


Your Slam Dunk Communication Moments

I went on to a career in business development, trotting the globe as I pitched and presented to everyone from deans in top business schools to producers in the performing arts industry. It didn't matter who I spoke to - I was doing my damndest to make sure they not only listen but also act (aka sign the check). For me, that moment when my audience leans in with curiosity, their ears all perked up and their eyes wide open, is the one I relish. That’s the slam dunk moment I live for.

I love helping global teams get their slam dunk communication moments. Teaching has always been in my bones. I love watching teams build effective messages with the tools I train them to use. But it doesn’t stop there because great messages aren’t enough. We also have to find the confidence that was inside them all along and actually broaden their range of self-expression. So that when they deliver their messages, they will actually be heard

Now the ball is in your court.
Are you ready to actually be heard?


Let's get to know each other.
Tell me why you're here!